Syria: The truth

Syria: The truth against the NATO’s propaganda

Siria: La Verità contro la propaganda NATO



This video shows:

  • A) the reality of Syrian Observatory composed by a single person (Osama Ali Suleiman aka Rami Abdul Rahman) who lives in Coventry (England)
  • B) example of NATO’s propaganda lies
  • C) examples of lies from Amnesty and HRW
  • D) news and events about Syria censored in the West
  • E) events shown in the West with the opposite meaning from the NATO’s propaganda
  • F) the way to act of “rebels” or “peaceful protesters” or “revolutionaries”


Questo video mostra:

  • la realtà dell’osservatorio siriano formato da una sola persona che lavora in Inghilterra
  • esempi di menzogne Amnesty/HRW
  • esempi menzogne della propaganda NATO in generale
  • notizie ed eventi censurati in occidente
  • eventi propagandati con l’opposto del loro significato reale
  • il modo di agire dei “ribelli” o “manifestanti pacifici” o “rivoluzionari”

All real news from Syria here: (Italian and English)


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